Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Cookies policy

Cookies may be used to facilitate user access to the Site's functions.
Cookies are used to provide the Milano Off Festival with statistical information relating to the use of the Site.

1.What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files located in the directory of your browser. When a website is accessed, a cookie that is sent to the device through which the website is accessed sends information to the browser. Cookies are very common and are used on many websites. This happens because cookies allow those who manage the website to do useful things; for example, a cookie allows a website operator to know if a computer (and probably its user) has visited the website previously. Generally, the purpose of cookies is to improve the functioning of the website and the user's experience in using it, even if the cookies can also send advertising messages. For more information on what cookies are and how they work, you can consult the All About Cookies website (Site in English).

2. First Party Cookies and Third Party Cookies
We can send cookies to your device through our Site. The cookies we send are defined as first-party cookies. First-party cookies are cookies that belong to the site that created them. The use of these cookies allows us to make the Site work efficiently and to track the behavior patterns of visitors to the Site. We also allow third parties to send cookies to your device. The difference between a first-party cookie and a third-party cookie concerns the control by the person who sends the cookie. Even if we allow third parties to access the Site to send cookies to the user's device, we do not have control over the information provided by the cookies and we do not have access to such data. This information is totally controlled by third parties as described in the relative privacy policy.

3. Session Cookies and Persistent Cookies
Our Site may send session and persistent cookies to your device. While the difference between a first-party cookie and a third-party cookie concerns the subject that controls the initial sending of the cookie on your device, the difference between a session cookie and a persistent cookie concerns the different length of time for which a cookie Opera. Session cookies are cookies that typically last as long as you close your internet browser. When you finish your browser session, the cookie expires. Persistent cookies, as the name itself indicates, are constant cookies and continue to operate after you have closed your browser. This allows for faster and easier access to our Site.

4. Cookies and Other Technologies on the website
Our Site can send you cookies and similar technologies in different ways and for different purposes. Typically, these include:
To simplify your use of our Site and our Services;
To monitor, analyze and improve the functioning and efficiency of our Site and our Services;

It is our intention to be transparent and clear about the conditions and purposes of our use of cookies and other technologies. Therefore, in this section we have specified the cookies that are relevant for your use of our Site and our Services.

Site cookies
Site cookies are cookies sent by the servers to allow the use of the Site. The use of session cookies is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to allow the safe and efficient exploration of the site. User tracking cookies are first-party cookies that track the user's ID and settings when visiting and using the Site. We consider these cookies useful for the operation of our Site and we can send them to your device to improve your use of our Site and our Services.

Google: Google Maps provides interactive maps that allow editorial operators to include customizable interactive maps within their web pages. Our Site uses Google Maps to provide detailed information on the location of our office. We use Google Maps because we believe it contributes to your experience in using our Site. As a result, Google may install a cookie called "NID" (lasting six months) and a cookie called "PREF" (lasting two years), to access Google's combined privacy policy, which includes information on the cookies that Google Maps can install on your device.

5. Transparency
In the use of cookies We want to make the use of cookies and other similar technologies as transparent as possible. As stated above, we are unable to offer

rti the Site and our Services without cookies If you do not wish to receive third party cookies on your device, many of these offer the possibility to exclude the receipt. Please note, however, that such third party exclusion is not under our control. We have provided you with a link where you can find the information necessary to exclude the receipt of cookies sent by third parties. In addition, some browsers allow you to choose how you prefer it to react to third party requests to send cookies to your device. To limit the receipt of cookies through the browser, visit the following sites to understand how to prevent your device from receiving cookies (depending on the browser you use): Firefox; Internet Explorer; Google Chrome and Safari. We reserve the right to change this Cookie Policy, in whole or in part, at our discretion. All its changes will become effective immediately after the publication of the updated policy on the Website. The use of the Site or the Services after the modification of this Cookie Policy implies acceptance of these modifications. If you do not agree to the terms of this Cookie Policy, as amended from time to time, in whole or in part, you must stop using the Site. In some cases, the IP addresses of users are also stored, as well as for statistical purposes , to prevent abuses on the site and possibly collaborate with the Judicial Authority that legitimately requests it. Consequences of failure to provide data Failure to provide data due to legal or contractual obligations will make it impossible to provide the services. Failure to provide all data that are not attributable to legal or contractual obligations will result in a failure to provide the service.

Newsletter and notification service Users have the possibility to subscribe to the Newsletter and the notification service of the Site to receive information regarding the offers of registered tour operators and / or event reporting. The data provided, such as name and email address, are used exclusively for this purpose. Users subscribed to the newsletter and the notification service have the possibility to delete their data using the control panel. Users subscribed to the newsletter and to the notification service enjoy the rights recognized by the current privacy legislation.

Personal data treatment
the Milano OFF Association, based in Milan, via Fontana, 22 - 20122, in the figure by the legal representative Mr. Renato Lombardo, is the owner of the personal data that is requested from it with this registration.

The data you provide are collected in order to proceed with:
• Examine and verify the requirements for admission to the 4th MILAN OFF FRINGE FESTIVAL (MI OFF 22);
• Manage information and communications aimed at the correct organization and internal programming of the Festival.

Your data will be used exclusively for purposes related to your participation in MIOFF 22 and will be recorded on the servers located at our office.

With your authorization, we will share your data with partners and organizations related to and necessary for the organization of the Festival, reception managers, technical services, ticketing, promotion and whatever is necessary for the proper conduct of the scheduled events.

Every precaution has been put in place to minimize the risk of unauthorized access, cancellation, modification or appropriation by unauthorized third parties.

Specific agreements with the responsible companies assure us that they will not transfer the data to third parties and that they will treat them with the utmost care on servers located within the EU territory.

At any time you can ask the Data Controller to check, modify or delete your data by sending the following e-mail address Your request will be fulfilled within 5 days.

Having known the purposes and methods of processing the requested data and knowing that at any time you can request its modification and - when possible - cancellation.

You agree to their treatment by the Milano OFF Association and you consent to the sharing of your name, surname, e-mail address and telephone number at above conditions.

Founders and Directors
Francesca Vitale
Renato Lombardo 

Associazione Culturale - Milano OFF
Associazione Culturale - La Memoria del Teatro

Address: Via Fontana 22 - 20122 Milano 

Tel/WhatsApp: +39 391 1418299
Direction:  +39 347 6372592


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